132 selected Panchayat workers in agitation, 6 of them in hunger strike for appointment letter


Arnab Majumder, Sting Newz Correspondent, Krishnagar (Nadia):
132 youth who had been selected for permanent group D posts in Panchayat department through written test and interview about a year back , initiated a movement as they were not given the appointment letters till date.
Earlier they sat for demonstration for 7 days before Nadia Zilla Parishad in Krishnagar. Initiating on last Tuesday, it ended on Sunday. But it yielded no results. So, now they launched a new movement on Monday, where 6 of them started hunger strike and rest have been supporting them. It has been going on before Nadia Zilla Parishad Bhawan.
Nadia Zilla Parishad Savadhipati Rikta Kundu said, ” After completion of processing in district, we sent it to the Panchayat department. It was cleared from there too. Now it is in Finance department and we have nothing to say from district level any more. But the agitators are not doing the right job by initiating a movement. They were insisted politically. We have told them that we cleared the process from Nadia.”
The advertisement had taken place on December 12, 2017 for 118 posts of Gram Panchayat workers. Viva occurred on July, 2018, following written test on March 2018. The result was published on August 2, 2018.
Later on the post was increased to 132. Meanwhile some of the successful candidates got job elsewhere. Some of the waiting listed candidates too joined the movement.
Since August 2018 they were waiting for the appointment letters and then walked down the path of agitation last week.
They had meet Rajib Banerjee in Krishnagar on the issue in June and even went to CM’s home but could not meet, a female agitator said.
” The officials from Nadia administration and Nadia Zilla Parishad just have been harping upon the string of assurance since publication of result. But it is too much. So we have initiated the movement,” Rituparna Bose of Taherpur said it on the spot of agitation.
The other agitators like Anurup Biswas, Amit Shil, Sourav Sardar stated that they would continue the movement untill get result.
They were sitting in movement with posters of Mamata Banerjee setting at back of them.
The family members of 7 murdered TMC workers also joined the movement.
They were assured Government jobs after being murdered of their family members but they got nothing. So they too joined.
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